Noah has been an In-School Teen Mentor volunteer since October of 2016, at St. George Elementary School. He continued to mentor at St. George Elementary School until June 2018 as a part of our In-School Mentoring Teen program. Volunteering at St. George Elementary only ended because his mentee moved out of town. Noah has since been re-matched and is volunteering at the Fundy Middle and High School since November 2018 and is still in the same match.
Noah is dedicated and ensures he will excel at all things he focuses on from being an honour student at the Fundy Middle and High School, to playing basketball for many years with the FMHS team and being a truly dedicated Big Brothers Big Sisters volunteer.
Noah looks forward to his time with his mentee. If he is unable to meet, he will ensure this mentee knows, understands why and always tries to meet at another time to ensure they have their weekly visit.
Ryder, the mentee that Noah has been matched with for the last six months now, describes Noah as “…he is a good friend and is starting to feel like family”. Whenever you see Noah and Ryder together there will always be a smile on both their faces, laughter and a great connection.
Noah makes a continuous impact in our agency’s In-School Mentoring Program always showing up with a smile, ready to have fun and be a great role model for the youth around him; therefore, he was awarded one of two Judge Tom Bell awards for 2019!

If you would like to make a positive impact on a child’s life like Noah, volunteer to be a mentor today!