Go Girls! Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds
Kiera is 17 years old and is a past member of Go Girls!. She now attends the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Saint John Friendship Club.

“A mentor is someone who encourages you to do good, better yourself and helps you grow into the person you’re supposed to be. They are there for you in times of need and are someone who you can trust with personal problems or concerns. My mentors and I are very close. They have helped me turn into who I am today and helped give me the confidence I was searching for. My mentors and I have gone to watch movies with elderly people, gone paddle boarding, put together sanitary napkins for women in the winter, along with many other exciting things.
Social media and media in general can be a wonderful thing; however, it can also cause a lot of girls to feel self-conscious or not good-looking enough. Girls need good mentors because mentors help with building self-confidence and figuring out who they are. They’re also people who you can rely on and who know you well enough that you’re comfortable with them. Mentorship allows you to form bonds with other strong women, and that’s really important.
Mentorship is give and take: Younger girls have a valuable opportunity to connect with a trusted older peer, while mentors get to practice their leadership skills and become role models. Both get to learn from the time spent together.”
Go Girls! is a group mentoring program for girls ages 12-14 that focuses on physical activity, balanced eating and self-esteem. The single, most important goal of the program is to positively shape the lives of young women and girls by helping them build a positive self-image – setting them on a path to reach their full potential in life. Check out the Our Programs section to enroll a young person or volunteer!