Little Brother Kyle and Big Brother Kyle, from Saint John, have been matched since May 2016, and despite them both having busy schedules, the Kyles try to make time to hang out every two weeks. Big Kyle will often come to Little Kyle’s hockey games to watch him play and show his support. Little Kyle’s mom, Liann stated that Big Kyle understands how much hockey means to Little Kyle and likes to show interest in things that he likes. According to Liann, Little Kyle loves the surprise visits from his number two fan.

Outside of the rink, the pair enjoy going to the movies, fishing with ice cream after, bike riding and other sports. Liann thinks “Little Kyle is in heaven having a positive male role model actually doing stuff with him. He thinks Big Kyle is the greatest. I don’t think you could have picked a better big brother for him.”
Liann said “I think Big Kyle likes spending with my Kyle almost as much as my Kyle likes spending time with him!” She feels that Big Kyle is a great guy and great role model for Little Kyle to be spending time with. She is passionate about Little Kyle having a positive male to do activities with that no one else can do.
As a Big Brother, Kyle often goes above and beyond to do things for Little Kyle and his mom. They live outside of Hampton and Big Kyle with frequently drive out to pick up Little Kyle, return to Saint John to go to the movies or an activity and then drive him all the way back home. Liann has even made numerous offers to drive Little Kyle into the city, or even just part of the way, but Big Kyle were turn her down and drive the full distance. Liann “couldn’t have asked for a better Big Brother for her Kyle.”
When asked to rate his match on a scale of 1-10, Little Kyle responded with “ten thousand!” very enthusiastically. He boasts that “Big Kyle is funny, easy to talk to, fun, tall and nice. They love to joke around with one another and he likes that they both have the same name, they also both love sports, going golfing and playing video games.” Liann feels strongly that Little Kyle need a kind, caring, positive male influence in his life and she feels that Big Kyle is just that!
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